Key Achievement
Magna aliqa enim sed ipsum nisi ainy veniam quis.
Key Achievement
Magna aliqa enim sed ipsum nisi ainy veniam quis.
For years now the SLHTA's Tourism Enhancement Fund has sponsored the Linkages in Tourism tradeshow which accompanies the SLHTA's Annual General Meeting.
The tradeshow continues to be the foremost avenue to network and establish lucrative partnerships. For many participants the benefits have been extraordinary.
The tradeshow continues to expand on a yearly basis encouraging cross sector participation which includes farmers, agro-processors, manufacturers and art and crafters. The tourism dollar has the ability to flow into other sectors beyond hotels, simply because the industry encompasses a wide spectrum of economic activities spanning the agricultural, manufacturing, entertainment and services sectors.
The SLHTA’s TEF seeks to create opportunities for the hospitality sector to do more business with local goods and service providers. By strengthening our linkages with our partners, this will help to significantly reduce St. Lucia’s importation bills for food and other products, and ultimately lead to increased investments in the country.