SLHTA Environmental Committee Presentation
SLHTA Environmental Committee Presentation
At last Fridays meeting of the SLHTA’s Environmental Committee, the team discussed an “Energy Training for Employees” initiative. The Secretariat is please to provide you with a copy of the presentation prepared by Carl Hunter the Co Chair of the Committee.
Friday’s Environmental Committee Meeting was set aside for a special presentation designed to stimulate the thinking of team members in the hospitality sector. The energy training was targeted at teaching the members of the Environmental Committee how to pass on the presentation en mass to their respective employee base teams with the aim to assist our employees to dramatically save energy dollars within their home environment.
This training’s higher objective is to build good energy habits within your teams without the information being presented as property specific. The net result is that good habits practiced at home become spill-over good habits that positively impact the work environment. Past training of this type has helped organizations removed upwards of 15% of an organization’s energy use with zero dollars spent on devices etc.
Below is a link to the presentation as a PowerPoint package that can be edited to reflect specific concerns within your organization etc. The SLHTA encourages you to share the presentation with ALL your team members in the hopes of meeting the stated objectives above.
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