VACANCY: Project Manager (Consultant)– Saint Lucia Jazz & Arts Festival
The Saint Lucia Tourism Authority (SLTA) is a statutory authority established by the Government of Saint Lucia and is governed by a Board of Directors appointed by the Minister of Tourism. The SLTA was established by statute #8 of 2017, Amendment Acts No. 4 of 2018 and No. 12 of 2020 to advance and facilitate the efficient growth and development of the sector. It operates from #1 Bella Rosa Road, Gros Islet, Saint Lucia.
The Saint Lucia Tourism Authority is the principal marketing and promotion agency for the destination. A primary role of the Authority is to continue to grow tourism and promote the island to both consumers and the travel trade industry.
In 2022, the new Board of Directors of the SLTA approved the exploration of the hosting of the Saint Lucia Jazz & Arts Festival and commenced with the pronouncement of “Save the Date”, this was followed by the launch of the festival in January 2023. The three entities entrusted with the execution of the Saint Lucia Jazz & Arts Festival are the Saint Lucia Tourism Authority (SLTA), the Events Company of Saint Lucia (ECSL) and the Cultural Development Foundation (CDF). Through an MOU arrangement, these agents are to ensure the successful execution of the Saint Lucia Jazz & Arts Festival.
THEREFORE, the SLTA is desirous of engaging a Project Manager/Consultant to undertake the planning, collaboration, and execution of the Saint Lucia Jazz & Arts Festival on behalf of the Authority. It is expected that the Manager/Consultant will make recommendations for improvement during and post the implementation phases.
The SLTA is desirous of engaging a suitably qualified Project Manager/Consultant to undertake the planning, collaboration amongst the Agencies (SLTA/ECSL/CDF) and execution of the Saint Lucia Jazz & Arts Festival. The Project Manager will report to the CEO of the SLTA and interact with the Special Events Committees of the above mentioned agencies.
The scope of work for the assignment includes the following:
- Execute artistes/talent contracting remaining within budget.
- Work with SLTA, ECSL and CDF teams to ensure that local, regional, and international marketing is executed, ensuring that sponsorship deliverables are completed.
- Execute Sponsorship Management and fulfilment.
- To act as the coordinator between the agencies of the SLTA, ECSL & CDF ensuring assigned functions are completed as prescribed.
- To provide logistical support in the following areas:
o Venue Contracts, layout and preparation.
o Collaborating with the ECSL in the management of technical production
o Concessionaire Planning and set up.
o All VIP Set up.
o Sponsor Branding
o Security
o Risk Management
o Gate Controls
o Volunteers.
o Transportation of equipment and artistes
o Catering of artistes.
- Report on the Festival and make recommendations for improvement.
The Consultant will submit all reports to the CEO of the Saint Lucia Tourism Authority. S/he will work in close collaboration with the Chief Executive Officer of the SLTA and Special Events Committees.
All documents prepared by the Project Manager/Consultant shall remain the sole property of the Authority. The Consultant shall not, during and after the term of the contract, use or disclose any confidential information relating to the business or operations of the Authority. (Please note that all documents must be submitted in Microsoft word format).
The SLTA will provide a cellular phone and laptop with email capabilities for the duration of the term of the project and will be responsible for all costs related to this project.
All oversight functions of this contract will be effected remotely however, the Project Manager/Consultant will be required to attend meetings as necessary for the hosting of the Festival reporting to the CEO. Closer to and at the time of events, the Manager/Consultant will be required to have a greater presence at the venues for effective planning purposes.
The Project Manager/Consultant will have at least 5 years of experience in Project Management or Event Management at a Senior Level. Educational and professional qualifications shall include the following:
- Minimum – A Bachelor’s degree in Project Management or Event Management, Business Administration/Management or a related field. Masters Preferred.
- Knowledge of and experience in executing Events/Festivals.
- Proficiency in Project Management and Microsoft Office Suite
- Excellent communication, time management and leadership skills
- Ability to develop and manage budgets.
- Proven track record in working effectively within multidisciplinary teams.
- Relevant experience is required to achieve the objectives mentioned above and have national and preferably international expertise.
Proposals should be received by Friday 10th February 2023. Any submissions received after this date will not be considered.
To receive consideration, proposals must be submitted as follows:
- Proposals should include a cover letter to the attention of the Chief Executive Officer. The cover letter must include the name of the proposing individual/company, the name (s) of the professional (s) proposed to provide direct service for the duration of the project, e-mail address, postal address and telephone numbers.
- Proposals should include a narrative that speaks to the qualifications relevant to the Evaluation Criteria outlined below, including a timeline with benchmarks and the number of hours and cost to accomplish the Scope of Work outlined above.
- Proposals must clearly outline the responsibilities both of the Authority and the Consultant. All costs payable by the Authority for these services must be clearly defined.
- Proposals should include the resume(s) of the professional (s) who will provide direct service for this project.
By submitting a proposal, the Consultant authorizes the Authority to contact references to evaluate the Consultant’s qualifications for this project.
All proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Performance capability – the extent to which the proposal demonstrates the ability to provide the depth and breadth of experience, skills, knowledge, and creativity generally required for this project. • Completeness and quality of response – the thoroughness and concern for quality in your response. • Understanding of and commitment to the Authority’s mission and strategic objectives • Budget
- Experience with similar organizations, preferably in the tourism sector.
The Authority plans to select and award a contract to the best qualified Consultant within due time. The selected Consultant and the Authority will then mutually discuss and refine the scope of works for the project and shall negotiate final conditions, compensation, and performance schedule for the subsequent contract to be executed.
All proposals should be addressed to:
Chief Executive Officer,
1 Bella Rosa Road, Gros Islet,
PO Box 221, Castries
Saint Lucia.
Of Via email address: CEO@STLUCIA.ORG
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