T&T to host Latin American and Caribbean Hoteliers

Trinidad and Tobago will host the Fourth Encounter of the Inter-American and Caribbean Network of Small Hotels from October 20, 2016 at University Inn & Conference Centre, St Augustine.

This will be the first time, since its inception in 2013, the Encounter will be hosted by a Caribbean nation.

The premiere networking event for Small Hoteliers in the Latin American and Caribbean region, the theme of this year’s Encounter is Sustainability, Marketing and Competitiveness of Small Hotels.

Participants, who will include delegates from Antigua & Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, St Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Honduras, Ecuador, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Columbia, Panama and Guatemala will have an opportunity to meet with their peers and engage experts on a range of topics including Innovation, Social Media Trends and Tools, Sustainable Tourism through Agriculture, the Impact of Online Booking Agents on Small Hotels and the Benefits of being a Green Hotel. Delegates will also be introduced to proposed developmental projects and resources available through the Organisation of American States (OAS), Association of Caribbean States (ACS) and Caribbean Alliance for Sustainable Tourism (CAST).

Small Hoteliers, operators of boutique properties, guesthouses and other tourist accommodation properties in Trinidad and Tobago are encouraged to attend the event, which will also be open to secondary and tertiary students with an interest in the hospitality and tourism sector.

Corporate Trinidad and Tobago is also invited to be part of the Suppliers’ Fair and Business Networking Sessions.

To learn more about the event, register or participate as an Exhibitor at the Suppliers’ Fair, contact 868-682-9589/281-9868 or email incaph.encounters@gmail.com



The first Encounter of Inter-American and Caribbean Network of Small Hotels (INCAPH) was held in Costa Rica in 2013. The Costa Rica Encounter included the signing of a document agreeing to the formalization of the Network which aims to promote collaboration, sharing of experiences, innovative solutions and good practices among small and medium-sized lodgings in the Americas. According to the Organization of American States, small and medium hotels represent 90 percent of the accommodation establishments in the region; between 60 and 70 percent of the supply of available beds, and employ nearly 70 percent of the workforce in the hotel sector.