Hotel Development
The Jalousie Plantation, Sugar Beachis undergoing a US$100 million enhancement and will be re-branded and re-launched as Sugar Beach, A Viceroy Resort in late 2012. The physical transformation to-date includes the opening of eight new Luxury Beachfront Bungalows and the Rainforest Spa, the construction of new luxury villas and the gut renovation of its Luxury Sugar Mill Rooms.
Staycation 2012
The Saint Lucia Tourist Board is preparing to launch its annual summer programSTAYCATION aimed at enticing residents to patronize Saint Lucia’s hotels, restaurants and attractions during the summer period. The program will run fromJuly 1 to September 30, 2012 and we encourage your participation.
Similar to previous years, an advertising campaign will be implemented to promote the program. Promotional material will include: A Brochure highlighting discounts offered by participating hotels, restaurants and attractions; Coupon Brochure inserts; and The airing of a generic television and radio commercial.
We hope that you will support the 2012STAYCATION Program. Please forward your special offers/discounts by Friday, May 18, 2012to Susanna Auguste,Marketing Officer of Saint Lucia Tourist Board at 458-7141
Tourism Public Speaking Competition
The Ministry of Tourism, Heritage and Creative Industries is preparing to host the annual National Tourism Public Speaking Competition on June 12, 2012 at the National Cultural Centre from 9:00 am. The competition forms part of the Ministry’s public awareness and education campaign and the main purpose is to sensitize students on the importance of tourism by allowing them the opportunity to express their views on various tourism related issues.
The participants will be judged on the following: Content; Delivery; Language and Effective use of time.
The winner of the competition ultimately gains the title of “Junior Minister for Tourism2012-2013” and will represent Saint Lucia in St. Kitts & Nevis for the annual Caribbean Tourism Organisation (CTO) Youth Congress, scheduled for October 11-13, 2012.
No Interruption of Service to St. Lucia
The Saint Lucia Tourist Board (SLTB) is cognizant of the importance of airlift to the island. As such, the organization continues to work with all airline partners, including American Airlines, to ensure that the island has adequate airlift which is sustainable for the island and airlines.
The SLTB is happy to report that the daily service on American Airlines continues and therefore, there will be no interruption in service between Miami International Airport (MIA) and Hewanorra International Airport (UVF).
SLTB reiterates that availability of airlift capacity to the island remains strong from all major source markets.
Thomas Cook Sells Affiliate Network to TDC
Thomas Cook Canada (TC) has confirmed that it has taken the decision to sell its Affiliate Network business to Transat Distribution (TDC). Dean Moore, CEO, Thomas Cook North America stated that “As part of the ongoing review of our organization, we have been examining each of our businesses as we seek to return to profitability. In doing so, TDC presented us with an opportunity that was particularly unique and beneficial, not only to ourselves and TDC, but to the Affiliates as well.”
And he concluded that Thomas Cook remains committed to its plan to enhance its distribution business and to be a key player in the Canadian travel retail world; however it will do so by focusing its efforts on channels more aligned to its long-term strategy.
Saint Lucia Hotel and Tourism Association (SLHTA) and the Saint Luca Culinary Team (SLUCT) will be hosting its final practice dinner, Saint Lucia Culinary Team Fund Raising Send-Off Dinner at Windjammer Landing Villa Beach, on Sunday, June 10, 2012 at 6:30 pm.
Tickets are available for EC $125 per person. Dinner will comprise of a three course menu and will be served with 4 specialty cocktail drinks and wine. Reserve your tickets now, availability is limited to forty. For reservations please contact Ms. Zina Zita Haynes at; 725-7225.

The Saint Lucia Tourist Board (SLTB) in its continuing thrust to ensure that arrivals to the island grow from year to year, has just wrapped up a ‘Grand Fam’ involving scores of US-based travel partners. On island from May 31 to June 4, seventy (70) travel agents had the opportunity to visit the island’s many resorts and attractions to get a firsthand experience of what Saint Lucia has to offer.
Familiarization trips provide a unique opportunity for travel agents to visit a cross section of properties around the island; acquaint themselves with any new developments; engage in one-on-one dialogue with property owners and managers and participate first hand in some of the attractions.
According to Tourism Director Louis Lewis, “We endeavor to do all possible to nurture and sustain this symbiotic relationship with travel agents, who despite technological advancements remain a very important sales and distribution channel for us. With increasing competition, it is critical that we remember to show our appreciation and to do all we can to ensure the island remains in the fore front of these travel influencers.”
Caribbean Tourism Summit
Several of the top players in the global tourism industry are set to meet on Jamaican soil to examine the way forward for the region’s tourism sector at the Caribbean Tourism Summit and Outlook Seminar 2012, June 15-16, at the Ritz Carlton Golf and Spa Resort in Montego Bay.
The summit is being jointly organized by the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA), the Ministry of Tourism and Entertainment and the Jamaica Tourist Board (JTB) in partnership with the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC). Usually held as separate events, the Caribbean Tourism Summit and the Tourism Outlook Seminar have been merged as Jamaica celebrates its 50th anniversary of Independence in 2012, which coincides with the CHTA’s golden anniversary. The summit will focus on issues facing regional tourism and will examine the link between the region’s aviation policy and its competitiveness. Noted University of the West Indies lecturer and researcher, Prof. Ian Boxill, will spearhead the publication of a report on the discussions and outcome of the seminar.
The impressive cadre of speakers includes Minister McNeill, Secretary General of the UNWTO, Taleb Rifai, President of the WTTC, David Scowsill, and President of the CHTA, Josef Forstmayr. They will speak on a range of topics including international aviation, travel facilitation policies, the importance of service and value and ways to enhance the competitiveness of the Caribbean vacation experience.
Expect, Experience and Export 2012
 The Office of Private Sector Relations (OPSR), grasped the public’s attention with its first ever national Exposition, from May 24 to 26, at the Union Industrial Estate. With a differentiated focus and strategy EXPO 2012 was able to captivate the constant stream of attendees coming in and out to take in the exhibits, participate in presentations, and samplings and hear the winners of various drawings and prize contests.
The Theme Expect, Experience and Export the Best of Saint Lucia; formed an agreeable rally cry and was played constantly over the sound system throughout the expo. The overall objective was to showcase the very best of existing and potential Saint Lucian exporters, their outstanding creativity, progressiveness and uncompromised quality of authentically Saint Lucian goods and services.
By all counts, and from feedback received from exhibitors and visitors alike, the Expo was a hit. Quite a number of exhibitors were able to record quality leads from networking with prospects, placement of orders, sales over and above the matchless visibility the Expo provided. OPSR’s Director, Ms Jacqueline Emmanuel was pleased with the outcome. “The event ran relatively smoothly over the three days, we had quite an enthusiastic team of expo staff, exhibitors and sponsors.”
SLUCT For Gold
This week we introduce three additional members of the Saint Lucia Culinary Team, as they embark on a journey to Miami, June 20-24, at the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association’s Taste of the Caribbean Culinary Competition, to claim GOLD in all categories.
Odeen Martin
Odeen Martin was born March 21, 1986 in Jamaica. In school, Odeen had a love for Cricket and his dream was to become the next Brian Lara. He was also the school’s team captain and under his leadership, they won three titles of Parish champions. Unfortunately Cricket was not his calling and his love for the game faded away as he grew up. After completing High School he attended a culinary school in Jamaica and was taught the basic cooking skills. Odeen admits that he still yearns to learn more about the culinary art.
In 2006 he embarked on a new adventure in search for an opportunity to become a young Chef in St. Lucia. Being a teenager at the time he wanted to experience a new culture and learn new things. Odeen describes it as the best decision he could have made. His first job in Saint Lucia was a restaurant called Castaways, but his mind was set to work for famous Chef Bobo which he calls the leading Chef in the industry. In 2008 after months of persistence, he gained the opportunity to work for Chef Bobo at an exquisite restaurant called Fire Grill.
Odeen’s greatest achievement is becoming a member of the Saint Lucia Culinary Team and looks forward to represent Saint Lucia proudly as he is thankful that this country gave him the head start to his culinary career. To him cooking is an art and a personal passion.
Dulish Perera
Dulish Perera was born on March 7th 1976 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. He has always had an artistic mind and an immense passion for the Culinary Arts. Dulish graduated from High School in 1995, completing his GCE Advanced Level Examinations. He speaks English and German. He also enjoys reading, photography and Art.
Dulish has gained vast experience, working in top Resorts in Dubai, Kuwait, Sri Lanka, Bermuda and St. Lucia, holding positions such as Chef de Partie, Demi Chef De Partie, Commis 1 and 2, Chef De Cuisine Pastry, and Pastry Chef. Dulish has achieved several Silver and Bronze medals from Emirates Salon Culinary Guild in Dubai, between the years 2002 and 2008 for plated desserts, and tiered wedding cakes.
Dulish currently holds the position of Pastry Chef at the 164 room, all inclusive Bodyholiday LeSport Resort in St. Lucia. He is responsible for organizing the day to day Pastry and Bakery operations at the Resort, managing the high quality of the fine dining desserts and bulk production and bakery production.
Emmerly Gerald
Born in a small community of Ciceron on October 7th 1991, Emmerly Gerald began her journey through life along with her twin sister, Emmer Gerald, the youngest of eight kids. During her school years, she remained very active in sports and focused on her academics. In her fourth year her passion for food and love for the kitchen was clear as she choose her CXC subjects.
She was successfully accepted in 2008 for the two year programme for Food and Beverage Operations at Sir Arthur Lewis Community College and she was also recognized on the dean’s list for her outstanding performance. During her time at the college she completed her internship at The Landings Resort, Sandals Regency and Sandals Halcyon Resorts and during the Christmas holidays she worked at The Landings part time.
Emmerly’s first job was at Rituals coffee house which entailed cleaning, making beverages, sandwiches, pastas and breakfast items, such as omelets and pancakes. Being a bit unsatisfied and still aspiring to move forward, she grabbed the offer to be employed as a full time cook at The Landings St. Lucia. It was there she began her training and developed her culinary skills and is still employed there today. It’s been over a year working in the industry and she is still looking forward to learn as much as she can and become better at what she loves doing.