The Jus’ Sail Foundation Youth Programme Shipmates Complete Training and Move to Work Experience.
The Jus’ Sail Foundation Youth Programme Shipmates Complete Training and Move to Work Experience.
Through the generous support of the SLHTA’s Tourism Enhancement Fund, other donors and supporters including IGY Rodney Bay Marina and Carnival Sailing, the non-profit Jus’ Sail Foundation has recently completed its 7th annual youth training programme. Ten shipmates were recruited to join the programme in May 2019 through an application process designed to emulate recruitment into a real life employment position so that every step is a learning opportunity. The final ten lucky individuals hail from across the island including the communities of – Mon Repos, Micoud, Canaries, Roseau, Castries, La Clery, Monchy and Babonneau and ranged in age from 18-25. All were out of work or education.
The programme commenced on the 7th June at the Rodney Bay Marina. Over the following seven week period the participants have undergone an intensive and challenging training programme which has covered a myriad of topics beneficial to making these young individuals employable and productive members of society. The major focus for the training is sailing and the maritime industry, however, the programme equips the students for life with transferrable skills that can utilized within any sector or industry.
The programme curriculum included:
• Ten days of soft skills training and certification with CARE (Centre for Adolescent Renewal and Education)
• 12 hours of swim training at Rodney Heights Aquatic Centre to attain Swim to Survive certification
• Two days with St John for First Aid and CPR certification
• Two days of customer service training and certification with HR Wise
• Two sessions of dinghy sailing at the Saint Lucia Yacht Club
• Ten days of sailing instruction with Jus’ Sail towards gaining IYT International Crew Certification
(International Yacht Training Worldwide)
• Regular visiting speakers which included: Sean Devaux, General Manager of IGY, Dr Stephen King (knowing your history), Candace St Jour (personal branding), Mervyn Steele (communication), Marise Skeete from Art of Living Foundation (personal wellbeing), Capt. Tom from Exodus Boat Charters and others who were generous enough to share their time and expertise with the young persons
• Education on the importance of reducing plastics into our environment through The Plastic Ocean movie
• Learning about the historical boatbuilding of the Windward Islands through Vanishing Sail movie
• Exposure to the charter industry through a day sail down the coast donated by Carnival Sailing
• Experience snorkeling at Anse Cochon
• And much much more…
The shipmates were challenged every day to expand their horizons and broaden their world view to ensure they take 100% responsibility for taking their lives forward in a productive and positive manner. Timeliness is always a central theme of programme and the Jus’ Sail staff were happy to say that over the 7 weeks all participants maintained good time keeping and all the shipmates completed the programme, so zero drop outs.
The crew have now moved into the work experience phase of their training and are presently spread across a number of private sector partners including: Carnival Sailing, Seaspray Cruises, East Winds Inn, Exodus Boat Charters and Jus’ Sail. It is hoped that all shipmates will gain full employment by the start of the coming winter season.
Jus’ Sail are particularly excited as two of this year’s shipmates Krishna Joseph from Roseau and Tyrus Antoine from Canaries have been picked to sail as part of the Saint Lucia Youth Team in the 2019 30th Anniversary ARC. They will be heading to Gran Canaria with four other lucky Saint Lucian youth in November and everyone is looking forward to welcoming them back to our shores at the IGY Rodney Bay Marina in December.
Throughout the programme Jus’ Sail Foundation have been keeping their facebook page updated with regular posts, those that are interested to learn more about the programme can view that feed here –
Jus’ Sail are now seeking donations and assistance to help fund the 2020 programme; interested parties can contact James Crockett on 2871071 or by email – for more information.
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