TEF launches Eileen Paul Scholarship Fund
TEF launches Eileen Paul Scholarship Fund

CEO Noorani Azeez, reflecting on the work of the tourism legend explains, “Eileen was a dependable, trusted and loved advisor to every Executive at the Secretariat during her tenure. She was the “heart and soul” of the SLHTA. She joined the Association in 1973 and was the lone employee for fourteen (14) years. For over forty (40) years she provided administrative oversight of the Secretariat representing the fledgling organization at various overseas promotions, training programmes and leadership conferences. We could not have found a more worthy name under which to title this scholarship fund.”
Daughter of Eileen Paul, Ms. Virginia Paul lauds the timely scholarship effort, commenting that “The launching of SLHTA’s Eileen Paul scholarship is a fitting tribute to the legacy of Eileen Paul who was committed to the personal development and growth of Saint Lucian nationals working in the tourism and hospitality sector. She dedicated many hours whilst at the SLHTA to managing the Association’s scholarship programme to ensure that the children of workers in the industry would get the opportunity to receive a secondary education. I would like to thank the SHTA for honouring my mother’s memory through the establishment of the Eileen Paul Scholarship Programme and wish the management and staff every success.”
Chairman of the SLHTA’s Tourism Enhancement Fund Winston Anderson cites that “In a time when we are facing challenges none of us could have ever dreamed of, one of the areas that has been hit hardest has been education. Not only have our children been deprived of the fellowship and comradery of their classmates, but it has created new economic challenges for parents and guardians who want to give their young ones a proper education. Workers in hospitality have not been spared, and therefore the Eileen Paul scholarship is both a timely and important initiative, which directly provides support to those persons who work hard to ensure that our tourism product is among the best in the world. I heartily endorse this measure, which directly aligns with our TEF’s motto of coming together for a better Saint Lucia, and which achieves an important community goal that will affect the livelihoods of our current and future generations.”
Each scholarship holder will receive a grant of EC $ 2000 annually for 5 years, provided they continue to comply with the criteria. Each year, an additional 10 students will be added to the list of recipients.
The TEF Program Manager Donette Ismael notes “this grant will provide a measure of relief that will not only ease the burden on parents, but incentivize recipients to strive for academic excellence, and perhaps one day contribute to the growth and development of the tourism and hospitality sector.”
Outlining the criteria for qualification, Ms. Ismael pledged her unwavering commitment to financing the initiative through TEF donations from SLHTA members.
Each student will be required to meet the following criteria:
- Must be children of hospitality industry Line Team Members.
- One letter of recommendation from a former teacher.
- Students must be in school for the full academic year.
- Funds must be used for the academic year in which it is given.
- Application form must be completed in its entirety to be considered.
- Students must maintain a 70% average or over.
- Guardians must be employed or recently employed with an SLHTA Member upon applying.
- Applicants must disclose if they are in receipt of other financial scholarships.
Interested applicants are invited to complete an application form which can be downloaded at http://www.saintluciatef.com/scholarship-application-form/
The deadline for receipt of applications is 5pm on 29 th October 2021, after which applications will be screened and beneficiaries identified by an independent panel of human resource professionals. For more information please contact the SLHTA at 285 4443.
The principal tourism private sector agency in Saint Lucia, the SLHTA is responsible for facilitating tourism sector development and management in Saint Lucia.
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