Winston Anderson
A charismatic, visionary with a transformational leadership style is only the tip of his iceberg. Winston Anderson, Managing Director Sandals Resorts in St Lucia, has been with the company since 1992. He is a dedicated professional with a passion for the development of people.
A veteran with over thirty-five (35) years of experience in the industry; Winston is a true stalwart who has worked in various areas in the industry including food and beverage, accounting, rooms division and project management, to name a few.
Over the years, he has invested in self-development through education, which has influenced the distinguished leader he is today. He is the holder of several professional certificates such as Bachelors’ Degrees in Hospitality Management and Behavioral Science, a Master’s Degree in Hospitality Management and a Doctorate in Management. This transformational leader was also granted an Honorary Doctorate in Management and Leadership by Global University for his contribution to leadership, community and social work.
In addition to his role as Managing Director, Sandals St Lucia, Winston is an executive member of St. Lucia Hospitality and Tourism Association, Chairman of the Tourism Enhancement Fund. He is also affiliated with Friends of Victoria (Hospital), Faces of Cancer and regularly contributes to charities around St. Lucia. He is also extremely big on family; not only is he a committed family man but he has also adopted many children and continues to provide them with support particularly in education.
This humbled professional driving force is his desire to see people develop; when asked about his commitment to the Sandals Resorts and the hospitality field in general, he explained that they share his values such as his passion for people, family spirit, the drive to continuously improve and reinvent the product and dedication to the community.
Winston’s commitment to people and the community is evident as his social contribution has been experienced in over five islands while he journeyed through his professional endeavors. This according to Winston is his way of giving back as he too was mentored and encouraged at the beginning of his career.
His most treasured accomplishment is the contribution and influence that he has been able to impart on others for their development and continues to look at new emerging trends in the Industry to keep his Organization and Destination St Lucia current, competitive and remain at the cutting edge. His motto and mission is to remain a true visionary, a true leader and a man who selflessly works for the betterment of the community, the development of people and the progression of St Lucia that he truly loves and has made his home.