SLHTA workshop on Internationally Accredited Food Safety and HACCP Training

HACCP TrainingSLHTA workshop on Internationally Accredited Food Safety and HACCP Training was conducted Friday June 19th 2015 for Purchasing Managers, GM’S, Food and Beverage Managers and Supervisors. The workshop focused on key requirements of the USA and EU markets and expectations of Tour Operators, the key stages to successfully implementing a HACCP food based safety management system and other key food and beverage issues. There were 23 participants in attendance. The training marks the first round of HACCP certification for 200 industry employees being championed by the SLHTA this summer. The session was held at the Begonia Conference Room in the Bay Gardens Hotel on Friday 19th June from 9 a.m. to 10.30 a.m.

The topics discussed included:

  • What are the advantages of adopting an aligned approach to Food Safety to support the sustainability of the St Lucia Hotel & Tourism Industry
  • What are the key requirements of the USA and EU markets and what do international Tour Operators expect
  • Exploring national and regional initiatives available to support the industry
  • Simplifying the standards, training and certification
  • What are the key stages to successfully implementing a HACCP based Food Safety Management System in the St Lucia hotel and tourism industry
  • Getting Started – Next steps and priorities