SLHTA Tourism Matters Newsletter – 15th April 2020

On Sunday April 12th 2020, the SLHTA was actively involved in a massive islandwide undertaking to prepare and deliver over 3000 meals to the less fortunate across Saint Lucia.
Resorts, Restaurants and Allied Members from Gros Islet, Marigot Bay, Soufriere, Vieux Fort and Dennery were “ALL IN” preparing these meals. This initiative required not only determination, generosity and organizational skills but above all, it would not have been possible without the volunteers who stood ready to “DO THIS TOGETHER”.
The SLHTA extends our gratitude to other Private Sector Associations such as the Chamber of Commerce, Manufacturers Association and the Independent Processors Association who have been equal architects in contributing to the creation, administration and anticipated continuity of our National Meals Program (NMP)…READ MORE