SLHTA Newsletter (TEF Earns Cherubim Angel Donor Status) – 14th February 2022

On Friday, 11th February 2022 the SLHTA’s Tourism Enhancement Fund donated medical equipment to OKEU Paediatric Ward in collaboration with Lions Clubs of Saint Lucia. The donation consisted of a pediatric EKG machine and Huntleigh SpO2 monitors. The TEF became the first corporate donor to have Cherubim Angel Donor status and will have a plaque placed in the halls of the ward indicating this.
Mr. Winston Anderson, Chairman of the Tourism Enhancement Fund said during this difficult time we have so many people on the frontline who continue to help impact lives. He recognized and commended the efforts of the health service providers and service organizations who have done a fantastic job.
“I am very proud to stand in representation of a group of service providers, the SLHTA and the Tourism Enhancement Fund and all its contributors. Because of the fund and the work of the SLHTA we continue to help impact lives and communities.” Anderson exclaimed. “We are proud to partner with the Lions Club of Saint Lucia to provide this much needed piece of equipment.” he concluded…Read More