SLHTA Tourism Matters Newsletter – SLHTA Member Kirk Elliott participates in “The People’s Forum”

Yesterday, Kirk Elliott participated in the GEF sponsored People’s Open Forum which took place in Parliament. The objective of the forum was to discuss the rise in incidents of cancer in our country and its link to the quality of our local food supply.
The Cancer statistics for St Lucia are shocking and the link to the quality our soil and water undeniable. Action is needed if we are to preserve the health of our future generations. Please lend your voice to this worthy cause by signing the Castries Declaration. It calls on government to support our farmers, especially those growing organic, as well as implement legislation to protect us from dangerous pesticides and hazardous chemicals.
The People’s Forum: A Public Forum, in the Saint Lucian Parliament, where a cross section of the population of Saint Lucia discuss the nexus between personal health in particular NCDs, and environmental health.