SLHTA Attends Launch of the ‘Collections de Pepites’

On Wednesday 16th March 2022, the SLHTA were invited to the launch of the Collections de Pepites by the Saint Lucia Tourism Authority in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism. In attendance from the SLHTA was President Paul Collymore, Director of Small Properties Mr Dean La Force, Chairperson of the Villa sector Marella Devaux and Executive Assistant to our CEO, Juliet Sutherland. Minister for Tourism Honorable Dr Ernest Hilaire unveiled the brand to stakeholders and Tourism Industry personnel.
President Collymore said “The launch of Collection de Pepites was opportune, and provides a robust competitive advantage for the destination and our wide-ranging accommodation sector. We are appreciative of the work done by the Saint Lucia Tourism Authority (SLTA) and all stakeholders involved, to develop and launch Collection De Pepites, with world-class accommodation standards. This initiative provides added sustainability for our existing airlift and future airlift opportunities into the destination. Well done to all involved with the launch and best of success to the participating properties with this brand…Read More