In preparation for the 2015/2016 Budget, Prime Minister, Hon. Dr. Kenny D. Anthony is meeting private sector representatives and other interest groups to review Saint Lucia’s economic performance in the past year and to exchange views on possible budgetary initiatives in the next budgetary cycle.

On Thursday, March 12, 2015, Prime Minister met executive members of the Saint Lucia Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture. Today, Prime Minister will engage, in separate meetings, the Saint Lucia Hotel and Tourism Association and the Manufacturers Association.

According to the Prime Minister,

“It has become a practice of my office to engage in wide cross sector consultations in preparation for any Budget. You would recall this was done in 2012, 2013 and 2014. I do this because I believe there are ideas outside of Government that are worthy of consideration and implementation.

In previous engagements, a number of ideas have been shared and some have become policy decisions. We have also had public/private sector collaborations in a number of areas as a result of these consultations.

It is my hope that at the end of the meetings, Government will have a good sense of the challenges faced by these individuals and their views on budgetary measures to encourage growth in our economy.”

The Prime Minister also plans to meet with the members of the Trade Union Federation to exchange views on their proposals to manage the fiscal deficit.


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