Orlando’s Restaurant & O.C. Bar, Soufriere Celebrates 2nd Anniversary
Orlando’s Restaurant & O.C. Bar, Soufriere Celebrates 2nd Anniversary
Congratulations are due to Orlando and his staff on completion of their 2nd year of successful business on 12.12.2014.
To celebrate the occasion Orlando threw a party attended by friends, guests, suppliers and staff whom all had a rollicking good time taking in the entertainment by the band, Poetry reciting by Benjamin; truly an amazing gentleman and Teacher doing poetry almost in a sing song way and the young dancers from Soufriere. One member of that group Ms Vern, who works with Orlando’s Restaurant & O.C. Bar demonstrating the talent that Soufriere has to offer. In spite of troubled global and local economies, Orlando has not just survived but is going from strength to strength and has every hope that the next year will be just as successful , if not more so not just for himself but his staff , the local suppliers, vendors and by extension the wider population of Saint Lucia.
Orlando’s Restaurant & O.C. Bar achieved the # 1 slot on Trip Adviser within a few short weeks of opening and has held this spot ever since, earning a certificate of excellence after just one year. Truly an attest to Chef Orlando’s confidence that his young staff, the majority of which are all under the age of 21 has so much more to offer to the hospitality industry in Saint Lucia. Over the past 16 years working in Saint Lucia Chef Orlando has trained many young Saint Lucians in the culinary arts and been around long enough to witness many of them excel at their art. He strongly believes that we must continue to harness the talents of our young and offer them every opportunity to reach their full potential.
Orlando Celebrates his 2nd Anniversary with Soufriere Market Vendors
On the 14th December 2014, Orlando invited the Soufriere Market vendors to a cocktail party at his restaurant to say a big thank you for helping his restaurant become the success that it has.
Orlando said “ I have nothing but admiration for these ladies, they are there come rain or shine and always cheerful no matter what, even though a lot of them are of an age where they should be relaxing on their balconies. I am happy to deal with them because I firmly believe in trying to keep business in the local community and their produce is always first class. This party is my way of showing my appreciation for them and one that I hope to continue in the years ahead”.
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