Jus’ Sail receives a hat trick of tourism industry recognition in 2016
Jus’ Sail receives a hat trick of tourism industry recognition in 2016
Local day sailing charter business, Jus’ Sail, is extremely proud to announce that they have been shortlisted for the Luxury Travel Guide Global Awards 2016. This recognition of excellence in customer service to the luxury travel market comes on the back of their recent fourth consecutive Trip Advisor Certificate of Excellence in 2013/14/15/16, their first four years of operation and being the only Caribbean company represented within the fifteen finalists nominated at this year’s World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) Tourism for Tomorrow Awards.
Gaining recognition and awards is certainly not the driving force behind Jus’ Sail, however, husband and wife team James and Pepsi Crockett, owners of Jus’ Sail are adamant that recognition of this kind is beneficial for a number of reasons.
“Firstly, we believe it’s important for our small team of first mate O’Brian Forde and stewardess Gina Richardson, who came through our own youth training program and who help us deliver our excellent service to our guests day in and day out, to know that their efforts are appreciated by not only ourselves as bosses but our customers and the wider tourism industry as signified by these schemes.
“ Secondly, it’s great that we are able to help in our own small way to add to the awareness of Saint Lucia as a quality tourism destination internationally.
“Plus it’s obviously beneficial for our brand to be associated with such recognition as it helps to build greater trust for our services within the marketplace, which has to be a good thing. ”
Jus’ Sail wishes to continue to build on these achievements with consistent innovation and improvements to our service offering and play our role within the St Lucian tourism product mix.
The Luxury Travel Guide Awards are an international awards programme in recognition of all holiday & tour options from large operators to small, independent guides. To learn more about the awards then please visit www.ltgawards.com
The Tourism for Tomorrow Awards programme celebrates business leadership that works towards a more sustainable future of the tourism industry by educating and inspiring governments, travellers and other tourism businesses. To learn more about this award please visit http://www.wttc.org/tourism-for-tomorrow-awards/
The now well-known Trip Advisor Certificate of Excellence accounts for the quality, quantity and recency of reviews submitted by travelers on TripAdvisor over a 12-month period. See more at: https://www.tripadvisor.com/TripAdvisorInsights/CertificateOfExcellence#tab=0
For further information please contact James Crockett.
Tel: +1 758 287 1071
Email: james@jussail.com
Web: www.jussail.com
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