Deadline for Submissions to 2015 Business Awards is Two Weeks Away
Deadline for Submissions to 2015 Business Awards is Two Weeks Away
It is now only two weeks until the deadline for submissions to the 2016 St. Lucia Business Awards. On January 23rd 2016 the who’s who of the St. Lucia Business Community will be all decked out as the Awards Ceremony for the Business Community’s major grand fete will take place, fittingly on the birthday of St. Lucia’s two world famous Noble Laureates.
The St. Lucia Business Awards is the classic cutting edge business awards where firms submit their nominations, setting out justifications for being rewarded in the specific categories. Unlike the “old time” awards, this one requires firms to tell their own story and not wait for someone to say “hey this firm is doing well”.
The St. Lucia Business Awards seeks to celebrate Excellence in the Business Community, therefore applications should in and of itself reflect that pursuit of Excellence. Thus firms are encouraged to follow the instructions carefully and provide the information requested to reflect that which demonstrates excellence in their agency and submission.
Firm’s must answer some well- crafted questions which ventures into not how much, but rather how well the firm performs in various categories. Size is no limitation as the inherent qualities of excellence is equally achievable by micro and large firms.
Firms are encouraged that when providing supplementary information, it should not be “data dumping”. Submission should be explicit and provide a specific reference and location where the information is if they wish supplementary information to be used.
The time period which is under review is one year prior, for instance information on performance and actions before June 2014 would probably have been assessed in the 2015 submission. In speaking to activities and results, again, the rule of thumb, information related to prior to June 2014, does not help.
The Public Sector has been engaged in reform to better serve the nation and so the Award for “Making it Easier To Do Business” looks at service excellence in the Public Service and will go to a Public Sector Organization that demonstrates how it has enhanced service delivery to the Public and the Business Community in General during the review period. Proof and metrics of improvements will assist in assessing this award.
The deadline date for submissions to the 2016 St. Lucia Business Awards is, exactly two weeks away. The Awards target all businesses whether large or small regardless of sector.Businesses, especially the Small to Medium sized categories are encouraged to participate by visiting the Chamber’s website at or contacting the Secretariat at 452 3165.
The St. Lucia Business Awards will present awards in the following categories:
- Prime Ministers Award for Innovation
- Award for Service Excellence
- Entrepreneur of the Year Award
- Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award
- Business of the Year Award
- Goods Exporter of the Year Award
- Service Exporter of the Year Award
- Award for Excellence in Human Resource Development
- Award for Marketing Excellence
- Award for Corporate Leadership
- Award for Corporate Social Responsibility
- Green Award
- Idea of the Year Award
- Investor of the Year Award
- Award for Making it Easier to do Business (Public Sector)
The short listed nominees will be announced by year end and the 2015 St. Lucia Business Awards will take place on January 23rd 2015.
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