Contact: Johnson Johnrose, CTO
Tel: (246) 427-5242
E-mail: jjohnrose@caribtourism.com
Pippa Jacks of TTG presents a copy of the European Industry Trends & Insight Report 2014 to CTO Chairman Richard Sealy with CTO SG Hugh Riley (L) looking on
~ Report produced in conjunction with TTG and provides up-to-date analysis of European market ~
LONDON, UK (3 Nov, 2014) – The Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) today launched a new publication aimed at giving regional tourism policy-makers and executives insight into the travel habits and plans of British and European holidaymakers.
The European Industry Trends & Insight Report 2014, launched at the international travel trade show, World Travel Market, provides an up-to-date analysis of the challenges facing the UK & Europe’s travel industry, as well as an overview of the latest consumer trends. The report, which draws from the swathes of available industry reports and statistics, also gives insight into what the Caribbean’s competitors are doing, and how consumers perceive the region.
“It’s important that we have insights that policy-makers and planners can stay current and understand what’s trending. We constantly hear that booking windows are shortening; people are using the internet to make travel decisions so everything is occurring at breakneck pace so we need to have the information in order to make decisions that make sense. Gone are the days when the beach alone would have done it, people want to experience different things when they go on vacation so we have to push the various niches, the whole experience. So when we market our tourism services to the world we are telling people come and share in our culture, come and experience what we are and who we are, so we really have to be more sophisticated in terms of how we handle tourism,” said CTO chairman Richard Sealy, at the a gathering which included ministers and directors of tourism and senior travel trade officials.
The report delves into a number of areas of concern for the Caribbean, including the amount of disposable income that the British & Europeans have, how often they plan to travel in 2015 and growth forecasts for outbound travel from Europe. It also looks at the criteria that today’s consumers use when choosing a destination, consumers’ perceptions of the Caribbean tourism product and how consumers currently research and book holidays/
The snappy, engaging and dynamic eight-page supplement was produced for the CTO by the travel trade magazine, TTG and uses infographics, charts and visuals to tell the story.
“Not only does this report examine the current travel situation in the UK and Europe, but it also looks ahead to the changes and challenges that are anticipated in the next two to three years,” said Carol Hay, the CTO director of marketing for the UK/Europe. “The well-researched and rich content will prepare our ministers and directors of tourism, as well as Caribbean tourism practitioners for the weeks and months ahead, so that they are well equipped for meetings with industry partners and ready to do business.”
The full-colour European Industry Trends & Insight Report 2014 is available online at http://bit.ly/1E8uTpd and atwww.onecaribbean.org.
About the Caribbean Tourism Organization
The Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO), with headquarters in Barbados and offices in New York and London, is the Caribbean’s tourism development agency comprising membership of over 30 countries and territories including Dutch, English, French and Spanish, as well as a myriad of private sector allied members. The CTO’s vision is to position the Caribbean as the most desirable, year round, warm weather destination by 2017, and its purpose is Leading Sustainable Tourism – One Sea, One Voice, One Caribbean.
Among the benefits to its members the organization provides specialized support and technical assistance in sustainable tourism development, marketing, communications, advocacy, human resource development, research and information technology.
In addition the CTO, in partnership with the Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association, jointly and equally owns the Caribbean Tourism Development Company, a marketing and business development entity dedicated to promoting the Caribbean brand worldwide.
The CTO’s Headquarters is located at Baobab Tower, Warrens, St. Michael, Barbados BB 22026; Tel: (246) 427-5242; Fax: (246) 429-3065; E-mail: CTObarbados@caribtourism.com.
The CTO’s New York office is located at 80 Broad St., Suite 3302, New York, NY 10004, USA: Tel: (212) 635-9530; Fax: (212) 635-9511; E-mail: CTOny@caribtourism.com;
The CTO’s London office is located at The Quadrant, Richmond, Surrey TW9 1BP, England. Tel: 011 44 208 948 0057; Fax: 011 44 208 948 0067; E-mail: CTOlondon@caribtourism.com;
For more information on the Caribbean Tourism Organization please visit www.OneCaribbean.org.
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Connect with CTO on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/CaribbeanTourismOrganization.
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