Financial Investment and Consultancy Services Limited (FICS) is a family owned non-banking financial institution that was founded by Hon. George Theophilus, SLC, CBE, FIBA, who served as Deputy Managing Director of the East Caribbean Currency Authority (ECCA) in St Kitts from 1975 to 1981, Managing Director/Chairman of St Lucia Development Bank from 1981 to 1991, and Chairman/Director of the National Commercial Bank of Saint Lucia (currently known as Bank of Saint Lucia) from 1981 to 1991.

FICS is a sound, financially strong and technically efficient business that is:

  • highly diversified in the financial services it offers to the public

  • competitive in pricing its financial services

  • dynamic in its responses to changes in the financial and economic environment and

  • responsive to the social needs and concerns of St Lucians

FICS’s mission is to:

  • broaden the range of financial services and choices available to the St Lucian public

  • offer financial advisory and consultancy services to the public

  • pursue the interest of its shareholders while endeavouring to provide services at reasonable and affordable cost to the St Lucian public

  • encourage St Lucians to be discriminating and discerning in the investment, use and deployment of their savings and

  • serve as a good and responsible corporate citizen participating in efforts toward youth development and the alleviation of social ills


+1 758 458 8700

