The Art of Upselling
The Art of Upselling
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The Art of Upselling Workshop
The Saint Lucia and Tourism Association (SLHTA) conducted two rounds of training, one at the Palm Haven Hotel on Wednesday August 14th and Friday 29th November 2013. The workshop was facilitated by Mr. Joseph Dubois under the theme “The Art of Up Selling” and was well attended with a total amount of sixty-eight (68) individuals from the Allied and Hotel sector.
The workshop involved several group assignments, discussions, and presentations which gave the participants the opportunity to up sell an array of products and services. These services and products included Car Rental Services, Food & Beverage Service, Wedding Services and other services offered by Front Desk Agents and Human Resource Managers.
The participants enjoyed the seven (7) hour session and had this to say about the workshop;
- “The session was generally well planned and executed. It met its objectives as far as a refresher on up selling.” – Training & Development Manager
- “Training was fantastic. Very informative and I Iook forward to using what I have learnt here today in my work on a daily basis.” – Spa Receptionist
- “The training was excellent. Very informative. I do realize though that at some points during the presentation we strayed away from the topic a little. Had it not been so we would have finished on time.” – Reservationist.
- “A follow up is very necessary. The training was very hands-on and very engaging, relevant and practical” – Retail Manager
Lise Sampson from Anse Chastanet Hotel expressed her gratitude for the invaluable experience, “Thank you for selecting me as one of the persons to attend this workshop. It was a wonderful experience and I look forward to applying what I learnt to my job as both as a receptionist and more so when I attend to my guests. It was great to meet people from all different resorts on the island and to gain knowledge on everyone vision of up selling. Mr. Joe Dubois was a great lecturer and the one thing that stuck with me is that you have to know your product; you have to trust in what you sell so that your guests can trust in you. I have made it my duty from the time I started working in the spa 7 years ago to know each and every treatment and to be able to talk to a guests just as I am a therapist, to know every bit of detail about my job so that I am able to answer everyone of the guests questions, even without a therapist being present. A guest is supposed to be able to trust in the information that you are giving to them and most importantly, they should not feel that you are just trying to sell them a product or that you just want the extra money. They should feel that you are thinking about their best interest at heart and that is where trust begins. You should also make sure that you sell the right product to the right guests so that you can get them to return to you. For instance if a guest comes to you with pain you will not sell them the most expensive treatment on the menu e.g a Nirvanna, instead you will sell them a Fusion and recommend that he needs to return a few times during his vacation. I also think it is important as a receptionist, to know your therapist so that you are able to give the right therapist to the right guest. You should never be scared to upsell as you are depriving guests of a better experience.”
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