Anse Chastanet & Jade Mountain Resorts support Soufriere Community Hospital with In2Care Mosquito Traps
Anse Chastanet & Jade Mountain Resorts support Soufriere Community Hospital with In2Care Mosquito Traps
Following on the heels of the SLHTA’s (in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and FDL Pest Control Solutions) launch of the “In2Care” mosquito trap, Anse Chastanet & Jade Mountain Resorts presented six In2Care traps for the Soufriere Community Hospital on Friday 5th August, 2016.
The presentation took the form of an explanation and demonstration of how the traps work in addition to the selection of trap-location-sites and the actual installation and activation of the traps.
The Soufriere Community Hospital in attendance was headed by Nurse Alexander and a few members of her hospital team who expressed their profound gratitude to Anse Chastanet and Jade Mountain Resorts for presenting them with the traps, stating that it could not have come at any better time as the community was challenged to control many mosquito borne virus.
The traps which specifically target the Aedes Aegypti mosquito (known to be the vectors of dengue, chikungunya & zika) work by simulating a breeding site. The mosquitoes entering the traps to lay eggs encounter a growth inhibiting agent which prevents the growth of larvae within the trap and is also carried by the mosquito to be introduced to other uncontrolled” breeding sites.
Anse Chastanet & Jade Mountain resorts property manager Mr. Carl Hunter said that they are very happy to be able to further extend their community outreach programs to include this project and that the resorts were committed to the ongoing maintenance of the traps. Mr. Hunter also stressed the need for individuals to look carefully within the immediate environment of their homes to seek out and eradicate sources of standing water which will become mosquito breeding sites.
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