Saint Lucia Get Ready to host almost ¼ century of ARC crossings

Corporate community support remains unwavering.

SAINT LUCIA (November 12, 2014) – As the clock ticks ever closer to the first set of vessels in the 2014 trans-oceanic sailing event crossing the finishing line here, more corporate entities have thrown their support and brand recognition behind Saint Lucia’s efforts at hosting the internationally recognized Atlantic Rally for Cruisers (ARC).

This year for the 24th consecutive time Saint Lucia will serve as the finish point for the close to 250 vessels expected to end the over 2700 nautical mile journey at the IGY Rodney Bay Marina.

Among the welcome list of new corporate sponsors are Mercury, Leverage Business Group, Peter and Company Limited, Radio Caribbean International, DBS Television, and “The Pearl” Pirate Ship. These companies join several other entities, many of whom have been with the ARC from inception.

SLTB’s Special Events Manager Dahlia Guard says “Through many years of tangible commitment, Saint Lucia’s business community has generously and consistently lent its support and brand power to a world recognized event that has firmly encored itself on Saint Lucian soil for close to a quarter century.”

Speaking on the new sponsors from the corporate community, Tourism Director Louis Lewis noted that, “The ARC’s ability to continue to attract new sponsorship spoke volumes to the international appeal of the event, the widespread participation of on-island audiences and the excellent level of preparedness and facilitation that happens on island as Saint Lucia hosts the event.”

The Tourist Board last month held a sponsors’ cheque presentation ceremony designed to highlight and pay tribute to the many partners who contribute to the continuing success of the ARC. The first set of 51 vessels in this year’s ARC + sailed off from Las Palmas on November 9th and are expected here at month’s end.

The ARC is presented by the World Cruising Club in association with the IGY Rodney Bay Marina, and the Saint Lucia Tourist Board.

Corporate sponsors for 2014 include Digicel as Platinum Sponsor; Consolidated Foods, Leverage Business Group representatives for Aeropost, My Kind of Travel and UPS, “The Pearl” Pirate Ship, St. Lucia Electricity Services, and SOL EC Ltd as Gold Sponsors. Daher Broadcasting Services (DBS), Radio Caribbean International (RCI) and the Wave as Gold Media Sponsors. Bay Walk Mall, Bread Basket and Peter & Company agents for Banana Boat, El Dorado Rum, Grace Foods, Johnnie Walker Black and Smirnoff at Silver Sponsors.  Mercury Sixt and Tropical Discoveries as Bronze Sponsors. Blue Waters, Colombian Emeralds International, Duty Free Caribbean, and JQ Rodney Bay Mall as Collateral Sponsors.

For more information about the island of Saint Lucia call 1-800 456-3984, or 1-800 4STLUCIA or visit

About Saint Lucia

One of the Windward Islands of the West Indies’ Lesser Antilles, Saint Lucia (pronounced Saint LOO-sha) is nestled halfway down the Eastern Caribbean archipelago. The “Helen of the West Indies,” Saint Lucia is known for its natural beauty and diverse attractions, including the signature Piton Mountains – a UNESCO World Heritage Site – a tropical rainforest and one of the world’s few drive-in volcanoes. Culturally rich offerings include the bustling marketplace in the capital of Castries, quaint fishing villages along the coastline, and the annual Saint Lucia Jazz festival. Saint Lucia’s wide range of accommodations includes world-class five-star resorts, all-inclusive resorts, intimate inns and value-oriented properties. Saint Lucia also is home to world class cruise and yachting facilities.

For more information, visit



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