SLHTA Tourism Matters Newsletter – 21st November 2018

SLHTA Engages Soufriere Based Membership

On Thursday November 7th 2018, the SLHTA hosted a meeting with members based in the community of Soufriere. The meeting was held at Stonefield Resort and began at 4:30 p.m. The meeting though zoned was attended by a collage of attendees representing establishments from the restaurant, accommodation and allied sectors. Members spoke on issues affecting their establishments such as issues with parking for both visitors and locals, garbage and littering, signage, as well as the problems that arise on beaches where their properties are located.
Additionally, the SLHTA and membership began to discuss inter-beneficial paths for overcoming the issues brought forth.The meeting is part of SLHTA’s engagement of member sectors to ascertain their needs and highlight areas in which we can improve the benefits we provide to them.